Everyone warned me this program would fly by, but I didn’t realize just how quickly it would pass! We only have one more month until we’re done with classes, and I only have one more week as a Girls on the Run Coach in New Orleans. This past month, the girls worked more on their endurance and learned more life skills. One game the girls played this month was all about bullying and standing up for others. One coach gave them a scenario (like someone drops their lunch tray in front of the whole fifth grade in the cafeteria) and the girls had to run across the field to me and say how they would stand up for that person. It’s always fun seeing their individual personalities shine through when answering questions like that. In addition, the girls had their practice 5K. We always write a lap goal on their hands every practice (see picture) so they have something to keep them motivated. Most girls were able to finish, and I know they’ll be ready for the real 5K in just one short week. ...